Because of the false information about my discovery SN 2019ehk (illegal assigning the discovery to another person -
Joel Shepherd by Wynn V. Jacobson-Galán, Raffaella Margutti - Northwestern University)
published in "The Astrophysical Journal" in August 5, 2020 and many internet portals, I made a very difficult decision
to suspend supernova search from August 13, 2020. More information and my short explanation..
Location = About 6 km from Szczecin (northwest Poland) - ca. 53.4N 14.5E
Discoveries (12 supernovae) =
Equipment = 0.25m f/3.3 reflector, G-40 mount, ZWO ASI290MM-C
Computing = 4 PC computers, own supernova search software + MaxIm DL
Construction = pine wood, roll-off roof - photos
Spectroscopic classification of supernovae I made in JGAO observatory